Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter

On this beautiful Easter Sunday, my heart is filled with gratitude for the gospel of Jesus Christ. When I think of how dearly I love my sweet daughter, I understand better (though not fully) how dearly our Heavenly Father and Savior love us . . . love me. I am grateful for the special experiences, such as parenthood, that make up mortality and the promise that those family bonds can continue beyond the grave. I know that this plan of salvation is made possible through the atoning sacrifice and resurrection of the Messiah, Jesus Christ. Happy Easter.Again, some of my favorite pictures are the ones that didn't quite turn out the way you intended . . .


  1. She really is SO cute! And it looks like her hair is just getting thicker and thicker! Lucky girl!
    Beautiful testimony. Thanks for sharing! (and for your nice fb comment :) )

    Happy Easter!!

  2. I can't get enough of her cheeks! SO CUTE! Not to mention how gorgeous she is! She's the cutest little bunny ever!

    Also, beautiful testimony. It is wonderful how being a parent gives you an amazing glimpse into how Heavenly Father loves us.
