Wednesday, March 17, 2010


We love Grandma! Two weeks ago we drove to Cameron, Missouri to see Grandma Rogers and Great Grandma and Grandad Hart. We were able to show them Clara's pretty Sunday clothes and what a good little eater she is becoming (we recently started solid foods). It is amazing how much Clara has changed since Grandma saw her at Thanksgiving. Plus, how neat is it to have pictures with your great grandparents? I suppose I have pictures with my great grandmothers but I don't think I've even seen pictures of my great-grandfathers . . . kind of odd.

Don't be alarmed by the large tarantula on Clara's head, his name is Beau and he is very tame. Oh wait, that is another one of our ridiculously large bows . . . oops.Great-Grandad Hart and miss Clara. We are going to have to teach her the "Mr. Johnny Rebeck" song.Great-Grandma Hart and Clara-bear (oh, and mommy).On our way to church (or maybe just home from there, I forget).

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